
Iridology | Nature's GraceThe art and science of reading the iris of the eye dates back to ancient Chinese medical manuscripts where crude diagrams can be seen. Dr. Bernard Jensen was probably one of the first people in the 1900’s to refine a map of the iris and its relationship to the tissues and structures of the human body. His work over the last 60 years has done much to bring the benefits of iridology to the general public.

Iridology can be better understood by realizing that there is a nero-optic reflex between the 25,000 or so nerve filaments of the iris and cervical ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system. Through this connection, the fibers within the iris become an accurate reflection of the entire body system. By understanding the variance in structure with in the iris, an iridology can recognize areas of inflammation, areas or under activity and possible dysfunction as well as toxic congestion.

We can see then that this tool is a powerful, noninvasive resource for both preventive medicine and optimal health. It can help recognize and support weak organs and body structures before they become problematic. It can also be useful for pinpointing factors which are aggravating a current health problem. Iridology could be called a window into the body. It helps us understand what our body is already trying to tell us.

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